Developing a stronger youth
Giving back to the society whatever little we can, this is the small thought that led to this massive community service program that we call SSR (Student Social Responsibility). The aim of this student driven program is nothing but the well-being of the society through various projects. Being able to interact with people and bring about solutions for the various problems in their daily life is something that the students of Amrita have mastered at this young age.
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We strive for change
Giving back to the society whatever little we can, this is the small thought that led to this massive community service program that we call SSR.
Students try to find a problem in the society
Students get the innovative solution for the problem
Students implement the solution in the society
Pillars of our projects
Constantly evolving, we have a wide range of themes that we work on.
See what our faculty, students, and alumni have to say about their experience with the program.